Colegio Mestral. Programas en el extranjero

Mestral school has collaborated for many years with the Astex company in its foreign programmes. This company was founded in 1986 and specialises in language training and international education.

Summer programme

Together with Astex, we offer a summer programme in the United Kingdom, in which a small group of our students, accompanied by a teacher from the school, stays for two or three weeks in a school in England in order to perfect their level of English in an immersive linguistic environment.

Volunteer in summer

Together with the Astex company, we present an international volunteering programme aimed at 4th year ESO and Baccalaureate students. Students are accompanied by a teacher from the center throughout their stay. Values and benefits for personal development when volunteering:

  • Life experience.
  • Integration in different cultures.
  • Development of leadership skills and teamwork.
  • Knowledge and development of global and social issues.
  • Immersion in English.
  • Living with international students.
  • Curriculum enrichment.
  • Official certificate of the work carried out, highly valued in the admission process to universities around the world.
  • Highly valued experience in job interviews.
For more information you can refer to this PDF that explains the volunteering of the summer 2022 in Nepal.

Term or an academic year abroad

In addition, through the school and together with Astex, we offer the possibility of a term or an academic year abroad. With respect to the school, there is the possibility of the tutor of the year group following up individually with the student that is abroad, the purpose of which being that the student is able to rejoin Mestral in the best position to face the rest of the course or the following academic year.

Exchange with students

On the other hand, the German department organises an exchange with students in the Montessori Zentrum Angell in Freiburg every year. The German students come to get to know the college and the island for a week in May, staying in our students´ homes, and our students visit them at the end of June, once the classes here have finished. This activity enables both German and Spanish students to immerse themselves fully in the home life of their host family. This results in an enriching activity in which the language can be perfected and the customs and the traditions of the other country are learned about.